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Grade Determination

Grade Determination

All teachers are constantly providing students with a variety of learning activities and assessments focused on Big Ideas.  Grades will be reported throughout the learning cycle (semester-long) as students demonstrate their mastery of the content.  Students and parents will see gradebook entries in the AKS Progress and AKS Mastery categories aligned to Big Ideas.

Some course teams/teachers will be utilizing a rubric based approach for grading Big Ideas.  Teachers will evaluate student work to report student grades through AKS Progress to provide feedback to students and parents during the unit.  Teachers will utilize the AKS Mastery category for Big Ideas once a summative benchmark has been completed.  Multiple data points, specifically the most frequent and most recent, will be utilized as teachers make determinations for AKS Mastery rubric grades.  The rubric scale for AP and non-AP courses can be seen below:

Grades in all classes can be tracked throughout the semester and will be finalized using the GCPS standard grading score from 0-100.  The weighted average of Big Ideas plus interim, performance finals, and final exams will determine final semester grades.  Reviewing AKS Mastery grades and the final exam, teachers will ensure that student grades reflect their learning throughout the semester.

Since all grades will be finalized in the standard 100-point scale, class rank and other numerical grade recognition will still apply for all students.